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The Fast Track to Becoming Everyone’s Favorite Villain

September 1, 2024

The Villain's name = The Micromanager

Micromanagement is the fine art of hovering over your team’s every move, ensuring nothing, especially creativity, can thrive.

By constantly swooping in with "helpful" suggestions, micromanagers unintentionally
turn capable adults into dependent children, stifling their confidence and productivity.

Rather than promoting efficiency, micromanaging slows everything down as employees wait for approval on even the smallest details, and it drains both you and your team.

Not only does this obsessive control crush creativity, but it also leads to burnout.

Both the micromanager and the team become bogged down in stress.

I have seen it many times and it is not pretty.

Your team disengages, frustrated by the lack of trust and autonomy, while you, the micromanager, are stretched thin, trying to oversee every task and decision.

The result? A zombie-like office where innovation and initiative have flatlined.

And, the micromanager goes on leave more than anyone.

The solution? Let go. Trust your team to make decisions, even if it means a few mistakes along the way.

Trusting the people that have been hired to think independently leads to growth, creativity, and better outcomes.

And next time you feel the urge to micromanage, remember: your job isn’t to save the day, it’s
to create an environment for your team the to succeed (or fail gloriously) on their own.

Don't be a villain.