Explore, then focus

The last few weeks I have been traveling a lot, here there and everywhere. I’ve also been entertaining house guests and acting as a tour guide in my own city.

To the extent that I have hardly been home and did not even have a chance to write a blog last month.

In many respects, I have been exploring; other cities, new locations, old haunts, new restos, and have been open to anything and everything and yes, some were not as enjoyable as others i.e. $70 for 3 chicken satay sticks and 2 pork buns = not a repeat.

These past few weeks made me realize I have been doing the same this past year professionally and personally.

After making some big decisions, I have been open to anything and everything, especially this past year.

The explorations have been extensive.

New jobs, new contracts, new people, stay, or go.

Move from my place that I am living in now and rent or buy a new place.

Move to another city.

Travel the country or travel the world.

Change professions or build my current portfolio and make a serious push for growth.

Go back to school, here or somewhere else and what program to choose out of three possibilities.

Start new hobbies; yoga, photography, theatre or just work on the ones I have now.

As you can see, my explorations have been extensive, yet I have now come to realize that there is no way I can expect good results by just continuing to explore.

There is just not enough time in the day or week and not enough strength and energy to invest in everything and expect a great outcome.

It is now time to focus and narrow the scope of where to place my time, effort, and energy.

This is something that I need to do in the next few months to prepare for 2025. Otherwise, my continued exploration may result in time wasted and floundering and life is too short to flounder endlessly.

The process may need to be sparked by one big decision and action and the rest by process of elimination.

For example, if I sell my current property, this will enable me to endeavour on any of the options I have been exploring.

Next, a process of elimination may factor feasibility such as with going back to school; I may have missed the deadlines to apply.

I could also use a weighted factor such as the importance to stay near family and friends being vital, so moving away to another city may be shelved.

Or, a fun factor; traveling the country or the world would be amazing fun and finite so I would not have to compromise on the weight of what is important.

All this to say, sometimes, having too many options is not a good thing, less may sometimes be better yet it was a great deal of fun to explore.

So, come back next month and the month after that to see where my explorations have landed me and yes, I do plan on continuing to share here as well.

What will you focus on in 2025?