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Accountability starts with ownership, not punishment

July 8, 2023

Accountability has been a catch phrase as far as I can recall.

I hear it on a daily basis, mainly that there is no accountability.

The precise definition can be discussed, yet in general, it links to being held responsible for what you do or say.

And the traditional approach to accountability has been that if what you do or say does not have a good result, there will need to be some consequences for you.

Those consequences will point the finger of blame at you, and you will be disciplined or punished in some manner.

I would propose a different approach.

My suggestion is for accountability to start with ownership, not punishment.

In order for accountability to be expected, a condition whereby a person has a sense of ownership, personal responsibility, and a positive mindset must be fostered.

This approach encourages learning, growth, and collaboration versus blame and punishment.

When individuals embrace ownership, they acknowledge their role in achieving desired outcomes and recognize their impact on the team or organization.

Instead of passing blame or making excuses, they endeavor to understand their part in any situation and actively work towards progress.

And, in lieu of viewing mistakes as purely negative, individuals are encouraged to reflect on their actions that led to the mistakes, identify areas for revision, and seek opportunities to learn from their experiences.

This promotes a culture of continuous improvement and encourages individuals to take calculated risks.

It is essential they know that their contributions are valued beyond positive results every time and that they will not be punished for mistakes.

Moreover, ownership-driven accountability fosters collaboration and trust within teams and organizations provided everyone on the team is aligned with this approach.

When individuals feel a sense of ownership, they are more likely to take initiative, contribute their best efforts, and help their teammates.

In such instances, reciprocity becomes an integral component of the team dynamic.

This collaborative approach enables open communication, problem-solving, and shared responsibility for achieving common goals.

Everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions, suggest improvements, and work together towards shared success.

Leaders play a critical role in cultivating a culture of ownership.

They can set the tone by taking ownership of their own actions and decisions.

Effective leaders provide clear expectations, actively and regularly engage their team members, and create an environment where mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning rather than sources of punishment.

By fostering a culture of ownership, leaders can inspire their teams to take pride in their work and feel a personal stake in the organization's success.

Given this perspective, it goes without saying that to me accountability starts with ownership, not punishment.